Monitor Victron color control GX View full size

Monitor Victron color control GX

Victron energy

More info

" Monitor Victron color control GX "

The Color Control provides intuitive control and monitoring for all products connected to it. The list of Victron products that can be connected is endless: Inverters, Multi’s, Quattro’s, MPPT 150/70, BMV- 600, BMV-700, Skylla-i, Lynx Ion and even more.  



Control panel

affichage victron GX



portail VRM victron


VRM online portal

Besides monitoring and controlling products on the Color Control GX, the information is also forwarded to our free remote monitoring website: the VRM Online Portal. To get an impression of the VRM Online Portal, visit, and try our demo. See also the kWh dashboard screenshot further down in this datasheet. 








Victron Energy app

application apple victronMonitor and manage your Victron Energy system. Login with your VRM account, and see all your sites in a list. Tap a site to see its system diagram, current system status and energy flow. 









When connected to the internet, the Color Control GX will update itself automatically as if there is a new software version available. It checks for an update every night at 02:00 UTC. Multiple languages: English, Chinese, German, Italian, Spanish, French, Swedish and Dutch.


datasheet color control GX Victron

Color Control GX schematic diagram

schema Victron color control GX

Data sheets and documentation
