Schematic diagrams of Solar Photovoltaic systems

You have Decided to install your PV system yourself goal you do not know where to start.
We carried-out wiring diagrams of the several different Elements of a photovoltaic solar system.

Solar panels




Communication diagram

Communication diagram between WKS EVO UPS and Pylontech batteries Communication diagram between the WKS EVO Circle UPS and the Pylontech batteries

Schematic diagram

Connection diagram - Class 1 - WKS CIRCLE  Connection diagram Class 2 - 2 WKS EVO CIRCLE  Connection diagram - Class 3 with 4 WKS EVO CIRCLE and OPZV storage  Connection diagram with 2-pole changeover switch  Connection diagram with 4-pole changeover switch  Schematic diagram of the WKS EVO CIRCLE 5.6 kVA  Connection diagram with Sermatec inverter  Autoconso kit from 11 to 22 panels15kVA with storage and reinjection  Connection diagram with WKS EVO Max 10kVA 48v inverter with lithium storage  Connection diagram Tiny Village 6 WKS EVO MAX II - lithium storage

Solar kits

        Mounting and connecting the Opti-C inverter    System 50W 35Ah  System 100W 55Ah 250VASelf-consumption kit 2 panels 1kVA with storage  Self-consumption kit 3 panels 1kVA with storage  Self-consumption kit 4 panels 3kVA with storage  Self-consumption kit 6 panels 5 kVA with storage  6 panels self-consumption kit with reinjection  Self-consumption kit 6 panels 3kVA with storage and re-injection  Self-consumption kit 6 panels 3 kVA with storage  Self-consumption kit 8 panels 3kVA with storage  Self-consumption kit 12 panels 5kVA storage  Connection diagram WKS EVO CIRCLE with lithium storage  12-panel 5 kVA self-consumption kit with 12 storage batteries  12 5kVA self-consumption kit with lithium storage  Connection diagram for the Tiny House kit  48-panel 33.6 kVA connection diagram with lithium storage  Self-consumption kit 12 panels 3kVA storage and reinjection  Self-consumption kit 15 panels 5kVA storage  Self-consumption kit 18 panels 10kVA storage  Kit autoconsommation 18 panneaux triphasé 15kVA avec stockage  Self-consumption kit 20 panels 5kVA storage  Self-consumption kit 21 panels 10kVA storage  Self-consumption kit 21 panels 10 kVA with lithium storage  Self-consumption kit 24 panels with three WKS EVO 5 kVA 48V three-phase inverters with lithium storage  Self-consumption kit 24 panels 10kVA storage  Self-consumption kit 24 panels 10kVA lithium storage  Self-consumption kit 30 panels 15kVA with storage  Self-consumption kit 20 panels 10 kVA with storage  Self-consumption kit 42 panels 20kVA with storage  Self-consumption kit 48 panels 20kVA with storage  Self-consumption kit 54 panels 25kVA with storage  Connection diagram 54 panels 20kVA with lithium storage  Self-consumption kit 72 panels 30kVA with storage  Self-consumption kit 72 panels 20kVA with storage  Self-consumption kit 72 panels 30 kVA with storage  Self-consumption kit 96 panels 30kVA with storage    


        kit WKS 1kVA inverter connected with 3 panels and 4 batteries  kit WKS inverter connected with 3 panels in serie  

Kit 7 self-consumption-reinjection panels 3000W  Kit 8 self-consumption / reinjection panels 3000W without storage 

Kit 9 self-consumption / reinjection panels 3000W without storage  Kit 10 self-consumption panels - 3000W re-injection with storage 

Kit 12 self-consumption panels - 3000W re-injection without storage  Kit 16 self-consumption panels - reinjection 5000w without storage

Schematic diagram for connection to a SMA Sunny Boy inverter  SMA Three-phase self-consumption/reinjection kit without storage  Schematic diagram for connection with two SMA Sunny Boy inverters  Three-phase assembly with 2 inverters that require the same phase

Connection diagram

Parallel connection of three EVO WKS in a single-phase system  Battery connection diagram for an installation with three WKS EVO


PV module setting up on a roof steel  Fixing a solar module on tile roof  

Victron installations