Self-consumption kits with or without storage
Installation in France included


Etapes: réalisation de vos projets

Tableau des montant de la prime à l’autoconsommation

Please note that the values are likely to vary with each change of quarter depending on the number of connections made.

Power of 3kW
6 121,20€
Price for 8 Solar Panels JNL Solar
TVA : 6%
8 JNL Solar Monocrystalline Solar Panels 375Wp Full Black(Choice of panels configurable)
SMA Sunny Boy 3.0 Inverter
AC and DC lightning arrestor enclosure 
Panels installation Flat rate
Pack details
Le plus vendu
Power of 6kW
Price for 12 JNL Solar panels
TVA : 6%
12 JNL Solar Monocrystalline Solar Panels 375Wp Full Black(Choice of panels configurable)
SMA Sunny Boy 3.0 inverter
AC and DC lightning arrestor enclosure
Panels installation Flat rate
Pack details
Power of 9kW
Price for 20 JNL Solar panels
TVA : 6%
20 JNL Solar Monocrystalline Solar Panels 375Wp Full Black(Choice of panels configurable)
Two Inverter Circle 5kW 48V
AC and DC lightning arrestor enclosure 
Panels installation Flat rate
Pack details

Self-consumption premium

The government has taken the initiative to offer financial support, the self-consumption bonus.
This came into force in 2017 for private individuals and professionals who wish to sell the surplus of their solar production only.
The decree of 6 October 2021 set out the conditions for the purchase of electricity produced by installations using solar photovoltaic energy with a capacity of 500kW or less.

The criteria are as follows

• Only for a 20 year commitment for the resale of the surplus production, the premium is paid back over 5 years.
• Depending on the type of roof or other structure such as a shed/yard, except for installations on the ground, which are not covered.
• The power of the installation must be less than 100kWp.
• The installer must be certified "RGE": Entreprise Rénovation Énergétique, a network in which our partner is present.
• Choose an autonomous installation with resale of the surplus of your production not consumed, without this condition, you will not be entitled to this premium. Total self-consumption is therefore excluded.

How does it work?

The amount paid is determined on the day you apply for the grid connection. The payment is made for 5 years (paid in instalments of 1/5 over this period) by EDF Obligation d'achat. This amount is received at the time of the payment resulting from the resale of your surplus. The request for repurchase is to be made on line on the ENEDIS site.