Series connection of solar panels

With a series connection, the voltages of the panels add up. The current does not change.
Since each panel has a voltage of +-35V and can give a current of 7A, we get a voltage on the charge regulator of 105V and a current of 7A.
It is the role of the charge regulator to convert this voltage into a voltage suitable for the batteries. (will lower the voltage and increase the current)

For example:

If 105V and 7A arrive at the charge regulator (3 panels of 245W in series, 735W), at the output of the regulator on a 24V system we will have: +- 25V and 26A which will go into the batteries. (650W)
Be careful never to exceed the maximum voltage accepted by the charge regulator.


3 solar panels in series




Voltages pf 3 solar panels in series